Group Projects- Read to find out more. Revolutionary Idea.

• Jul 18, 2015 - 16:30

Hi. I am TheBandGeek4Days. Well, I happen to be co-writing a piece with some others, and right now it's hard because only one of us can be editing at a time, or else things get confusing. Then, once edits are made, we must email the whole file to everyone, then they open it up and it takes too long. The solution? Group Projects. Similar to Google Docs, Slides and similar programs, people with MuseScore accounts (so this idea could prompt others to make an account ad increase sales) should be able to link a score to other members at the score creation screen (upon the others' approval) through their username and everyone could not only see the edits people are making live, but multiple people can work on it. This works great for large compositions, team assignments/projects, and much much more. Personally, as much as I love musescore, besides the website where people post their creations, there isn't too much different about MuseScore then other competitors (However, this does not mean competitors are better. I like MuseScore a lot more.) This idea could change the music notation environment, and could help more and more people on their musical journey. Thank you so much.


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