Ten ocarinas but all the same pitch

• Jul 19, 2015 - 17:21

Pre-release version 2.1.0 (48f066c). There are (currently) ten ocarinas listed in four different pitches (and a couple of different octaves) but on closer inspection they all appear to be pitched in Perfect Unison.


http://www.littlegeese.com/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=24 regards the ocarina as a transposing instrument in the same sense as a Bb Clarinet is regarded as different to an A clarinet.

By this reckoning, the definition code for a Bb ocarina would be:

[Instrument id="bb-alto-ocarina"]
[longName]B♭­ Alto Ocarina[/longName]
[shortName]B♭­ A. Oc.[/shortName]
[description]B♭­ Alto Ocarina[/description]
[program value="79"/]

(where the square brackets are replaced by their appropriate "greater-than" "less-than" symbols)

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