Newbie question about joining eight-notes

• Jul 22, 2015 - 14:36

Hi all,

I am just starting to work with Musescore to notate my hand-written piano pieces. Immediately in the very first bar of my first try I stumbled on a problem regarding the joining of eight-notes, which the program does automatically according to the time signature. The theme is in 12/8 and the phrase goes: 123-123-1234-1-rest. But the program overrides this and writes: 123-123-123-12-rest. Is there any way to swith off the automation and do this manually somehow?

Also... no eraser tool? Only Ctrl-Z to correct errors? What if I want to go back in a later stage and change things?

Thanks for your help


First, the beaming propposed by MuseScore is definitely correct in general for this situation. Unless you have a very special unusual reaosn to want to create non-standard beaming here, you should leave it alone. If your piece really should be beamed as 3+3+4+2 consistently throughout, then you can right click the time signature and customize the beaming defaults. If there is something unique about this measure that would cause it to need to be beamed 3+3+4+2 even though the rest of the piece is beamed 3+3+3+3, you can use the Beam Properties palette to override beaming for specific notes - see also the Handbook section "Beam".

As for changing things, you don't need a special tool for that. Just change them directly. Eg, if you want to enter new notes instead of the notes you entered originally, just enter them diretly on top of the old. If you want to replace notes with rests, select the notes and press Delete.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you very much. OK, I know, I know, the correct answer is probably... "read the &%($·) manual!" Actually English is not my native language so I got a bit lost in the terminology and didn´t quite know where to search. I found it and got it to work, so I´ll start to explore the software seriously now.

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