Keyboard shortcut for Set Invisible

• Sep 12, 2010 - 16:42

It seems this has been requested at least once before , but I would love to see a default shortcut or at least an assignable keyboard shortcut for Set Invisible on selected items. This would save immense amounts of scoring time in many common notational situations (partial-measure split voicing, situations where MuseScore insists on adding flats before each Cb or Fb within a single measure, etc.) and would make MuseScore more Mac-friendly for the novice user as well.


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I'm a PC user most of the time myself, and I would like to see this as a shortcut in all versions. The main reason I mention the Mac is that I'd like to use MuseScore as our scoring platform for a course I teach next semester, in which most of the students are Mac users; it has been my longstanding experience that students who primarily use or grew up on Macs are unfamiliar / continually uncomfortable with context-clicking (i.e. right- / Ctrl-clicking), which is currently the only way I can see to get to Set Invisible in MuseScore.

The Set Invisible operation is referred to as "Hide" by a commercial competitor, and so its shortcut is Shift-H. Perhaps Shift-I would be a good default for MuseScore, as it does not seem to be assigned by default from a quick glance at the shortcuts. Pre-defined or not, I would just like to see it in the Preferences shortcuts list...

As for the accidentals issue, I don't think this is a bug per se. It does make some degree of sense. Perhaps two different shortcuts for flatting could be made available-- one that considers the context of the pitch within the measure, and one that applies the accidental explicitly with no such questions asked. You can see all the Cbs I had to hide in the score I posted Saturday along with my tremolo bug report , particularly on the second page.

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