Two instruments in one staff

• Sep 16, 2010 - 21:24

Hello everybody!
I have been searching for a feature that is sometimes necessary for me and i have found in other music notation softwares. It is to have two instruments in one staff. This is ussually for large scores where many instruments are shown - then the parts are written in separate staffs.
The idea would be the one shown in the picture atachted, and would be as simple (just joking) as assinging one different instrument to each voice in the staff.

Thanks in advance to all of the developers.


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In reply to by chen lung

Thank you for your answer, but i think this is not what i am asking for - perhaps, i didn't explain myself.
What i am asking is to be able to have two voices in the same staff, each one with one instrument. For example, a flute and a violin in the same saff, voice one is the flute and voice two the violin (silly example, i know).
As far as i understood, the milestone is about changing the instrument during a composition in a staff.

Thank you very much,


If it's just the visual appearance and an aid to the performers/conductor you're after, I don't see the problem in just double-clicking to edit the instrument mane, press Enter and write in the other name.
Then just notate the second instrument in voice 2.
You won't get the correct MIDI playback, but I think it would look all right on a printed score.

In reply to by Stubb

Thanks for the idea, Stubb!
I'll have to do that if there is no development in that way. Anyway, I think that is a good feature many people would appreciate if it was developed in future releases, specially for part creation, where the name of the instrument has to be changed.


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