https redirect bug

• Aug 1, 2015 - 12:31

I saw that this issue was addressed but I made the mistake of not overwriting v1.2 when I upgraded. My site has not had an issue like this... tries to redirect to wtf?
Cookies appear to be obvious culprit. How it got into my gridserver Im not certain. Ill leave my site up for a day if anyone wants to see this BS. I can trash and re-upload mySQL at any time, but maybe another webdev can shed some light on this bug ... not everyone has the resources and experience to fix this on the fly. Maybe verify that YES v1.2 IS the rapist and cookies do the raping?

Sent actual bug report via appropriate channel/format @debian too.

uninstalled v1.2 from HP 15 running win8.1 on x86 a few hours ago. redirect comes and goes. it seems to be inside the https code itself (the data seems ok) podcast runs FINE on iTunes which is hosted on same server. Pinging the front end of my site via browser is hit or miss right now. FTP is f'ed too. I'll shred the site if I cant figure a way to ditch the bug today.



Awesome. I figured this out today before checking my email... hmmm dead embed possibly?
It was my bad from the get-go. Thx for running a QC test of my main site.
This was my mistake - NOT a bug - plz close this issue if you haven't already.

FOR THE RECORD - I left a dead iframe embed on my main pg.

In the future I'll avoid making this dumb mistake, but if I made it
that means my clients and associates are likely to make same mistake...Ill try to code some exception handling into Wordpress v4.2 that will close
the site and a script to notify the admin that a bad embed is being called and redirecting the site to

This is a front-end PHP issue thus NOT a bug.
Thx for the help.

I noticed you intend to tweak the JS due to this issue and I appreciate that. Dead YT vids show on WP as blank gray iframe's it should be easy to (in pseudo):
print("Sorry the score you requested no longer exists on");

try{ load_iframe(user_identified_score));}
catch{ print(get_site_name() + "calls a dead iframe from " + get_dead_iframe_location();

you get the idea, I write C++/Java not JS.

I've been promoting the hell out of this software....many arrangers in Los Angeles such as myself are enjoying the shit out of it.

Tapper, Publisher, The SoCal Picayune

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