Please Help! Deadline's Today...soon!

• Aug 1, 2015 - 19:58


I'm submitting a score today, and the file upload limit is 10KB PDF, but I can't get my file smaller than 18KB.

It's actually 6 PDFs merged into one (title, instrumentation, staging then 3 movements)

Have been trying for hours now, tried online compression tools, etc.

Anyone know how to compress a 24KB PDF file to 10KB or less? Can't upload here since the limit is 2KB



What are you trying to submit to? It seems crazy they were would be a 10KB limit for anything where they are expecting a multiple movement work complete with stage directions wtc. Are you sure the limit isn't 10 *MB*?

In reply to by RogerRabbit95

You say it's 6 different PDF's - which is the biggest? Graphics tend to take more space than anything else, so if you have images in your score, try eliminating them. Also, in Edit / Preferences / Export / PDF, try reducing the resolution. No idea how much different that makes, but it's worth a shot.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Reduced resolution to 200 and that only reduced the 2nd Movement from 10.5MB to 10.2MB.

There aren't any images, or anything else in the score, just the music...

What do other composers do? I can't be the only one with this problem. I imagine if they have an upload size of 10MB that other composers must be able to reduce their file size. But how?


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It is/was for this Call for Scores:…

I submitted one file that was under the 10MB limit just to submit before the deadline, and emailed them with a link to the complete (compressed from 26MB to 19.8MB) score to download.

Have to say, MuseScore made a great-looking score, and I'm impressed.

Here's a link if you'd like to see the results of your work in action:

Thanks again, and cross your fingers, please.

In reply to by RogerRabbit95

Good luck!

I'm not sure how you created the PDF or what OS you are on. On my Linux system, I have scores about the same size as your for which the PDF I get from File / Export are well under 1 MB in size - usually just a few undred KB. So maybe it's something about how the PDF was generated that made it larger on your system?

You could try uploading the score to and seeing how big the PDF that comes from there is. Or post a link here and see what sizes people get if they export to PDF on their own systems.

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