Notation from keyboard missing

• Aug 3, 2015 - 00:47

My notation by entering notes from the keyboard disappeared today. I know there is probably just a toggle somewhere that will allow me to get it back, but I'm not sure where to find it. Thanks for your help.


It would help if you explained in more detail what you mean. As it is, we can only guess. Usually it is best to post the specific score you are having problems with and precise step by instructions to reproduce the problem.

Note input is done in "note input mode". So first guess is, make sure you enable note input mode.

If by "keyboard" you mean the computer keyboard, if you are in note input and you press the letter "A" but don't see an "A" display, that could mean you are on a percussion staff where that shortcut is not defined.

Another guess: if you had been using the on-screen "Piano Keyboard" window, that can be displayed and hidden via the View menu, or the shortcut "P".

If you mean a MIDI keybaord, make sure it is connected *before* you start MuseScore. Also make you you haven't disabled MIDI input via the button on the main toolbar.

Perhaps one of those guesses will help?

I meant entering notes from the computer keyboard. Until late yesterday, it was showing on my computer monitor fine when I had MuseScore open, then it just disappeared completely. It simply isn't there now, and it's not on just one score. It's simply not there regardless of which score I open or even if I start a new score.

That is why I was guessing there must be a toggle somewhere to turn it on or off. I think my only other option would be to completely uninstall the software and reinstall it. I have the latest free version of MuseScore -- I just installed it on a new computer a couple of weeks ago.

I haven't looked yet, but I suspect if I open a score in MuseScore on my old computer, I can still enter notes using the computer keyboard. But I really want to use MuseScore on the new computer. The old computer takes at least 20 minutes to boot, and all software programs run slowly. The new computer typically boots in a minute or less, and no issues with software running slowly.


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