Midi Not Recognized (Alesis Q61)

• Aug 10, 2015 - 23:47

Musescore doesn't recognize my midi keyboard, though other notation programs do. I tried using the midi router posted in the some of the answers on this forum, it didn't help. I'm using PC windows 7.



Did you connect the keyboard & turn it on *before* starting MuseScore? What version of MuseScore? What settings to you see checked in Edit / Preferences / I/O? What specifically are you doing and what is happening or not happening to make you say it isn't being recognized?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Dear colleagues, thanks very much for your comments. The problem was that I did not properly read the handbook (shame on me). I missed that I have to use the key labelled "fn" on the Mac, and not the "Alt" key (together with the "cmd" key). When one does this, it works. Sorry for stirring you up!

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