delete measure

• Aug 11, 2015 - 08:37

None of the ways to delete a superfluous (empty) measure that are described in the handbook works on my Mac (Select, then hit Cmd-Alt-Delete, or CTRL-click, then click on Cut or Delete in the Edit Menu). Can anyone tell me how I can delete a measure that I don't need?


The method described in the handbook to delete a measure (or measures) on mac is: fn+cmd+delete (and not cmd+alt+del). Does that not work for you?

The other methods, select + cut (which copies contents to clipboard) or select + delete (which deletes contents), affect only content, and will leave an empty measure (or measures) in place afterwards.

The official method for Mac is Cmd+Fn+Delete, and the dlcumentation should reflect that. If you see something in the Handbook that suggests otherwise, let us know so we can fix it.

As of 2.0.2, however, the Fn should be unnecessary - Cmd+Delete should do the job as well.

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