Allow each staff to be assigned to different MIDI channels when creating MIDI files

• Oct 3, 2010 - 05:23

I use Music typesetting to prepare MIDI files to play in software synthesisers.
Other tools such as MUP ( and Lilypond allow each staff to be
assigned to a separate MIDI channel.
In addition, separate voices should be configurable to output to separate MIDI channels.

For example, if you typeset a hymn on a treble and bass clef piano score, each part - Soprano, Alto,
Tenor and Bass could be sent to different MIDI channels.

By the way, I am very impressed with the power of Musescore. Well done!



If you typeset a hymn on two vocal staves instead of a piano score does it assign the two staves to separate MIDI channels?

I doubt there is a way to separate voices on the same staff.

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