Moving Selected Lyric Line

• Aug 18, 2015 - 15:40

I would like to see a keyboard shortcut such as Select-Ctrl-Select to move selected lines of lyrics of the same Subtype.

As you can see, in the attached score the lyrics in bars 15 to 32 and 36 to 64 would have a better look if they were moved down a bit. Now, this can be done by selecting a lyric on that Subtype and More>Same Subtype move them to the desired position then go back and More>Same Subtype>Same System to move the others to their desired position. Too time consuming.

Any thoughts?


I'm not quite understanding how subvtype is involved here, but if you want to move the lyrics in bars 15-32, there is already a very easy way. Select those measures, right click one lyric, Select / All similar elements in range selection, then move with Inspector.

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