How do I place double time signatures?

• Aug 20, 2015 - 00:58

In some music, there is a double time signature. Basically, 3/4 and 6/8 back to back, or a different order. Indicating that all odd number measures become 3/4, and even amount of measures become 6/8. How do I notate that?


The best way to get this currently is to enter the 3/4, then right click it, time signature properties, and enter 3+6 / 4+8 under "Text". It will be up to you to change the actual time signatures for the 6/8 measures (right click, measure properties, actual duration), or just fix the beaming manually if the time signatures are otherwise the same compatible as these are.

In reply to by Elwin

If there is to be a 2.0.3, it would just be bug fixes. What you are talking about would be a pretty major new feature. Perhaps someday, but I wouldn't be expecting it any time soon. Feel free to submit an official feature request to the issue tracker, though.

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