Ghost Half Rests?

• Aug 22, 2015 - 20:01

Found something weird. As mentioned previously, I am running MuseScore 2.0.2 (64-bit unsupported build) under Windows 8.1. I have a situation where in Page View, I see two half rests in different bars, both notated in Voice 1 (even though there are Voice 1 notes in the same spot as the rests). However, in Continuous View, the rests are gone.

File is attached. Please look at mm. 127 and 130, first under Page View, then under Continuous view. Does the same thing happen to you? If so, any ideas as to what I should do? I cannot delete the rests (I control-click on the two rests and press Delete, but the rests are still there).

Attachment Size
Beethoven-Op133.mscz 73.84 KB


It isn't a "ghost half rest", it's a (known) beaming bug. Beaming across the barline works but fails when the beaming is across a line break. What you are seeing is an abnormal bit of beam.

Strange behavior indeed. They look like half rests, but are beams.
In continuous view, the beams span across a barline. In page view, the beam gets wacky because of the system break.
To fix:
In measures 129 and 132, you can click on the last note of the viola part, then double click on 'No beam' in beam properties.

Seems like this issue:


Ha! My greetings to the swifter underquark...

underquark and Jm6stringer, you are right. I didn't notice that in mm. 129 and 132 the beams in the viola part are truncated; the rest of the beams appear in mm. 127 and 130 respectively. I'll leave the beams across the barlines as they are; I don't want to remove them because I think that's what Beethoven intended. I'm guessing that this problem will still appear when I upload this to the website and play through the built-in viewer?

In any case, I was going to fiddle with the page layouts after all notes, dynamics, slurs, articulations, etc. are notated, so I may end up with system breaks in places different than where they are now. Thanks to everyone who responded.

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