Ctrl/Delete and unuseual action

• Aug 22, 2015 - 20:31

I have a song (attached as Song Start).

I then decided to remove the first few bars (before the first Bar-line repeat.

I highlighted the anacrusis and bars 1-4.
I then used Ctrl/Delete to remove what I highlighted and it certainly removed what I expected

1. The key signature had disappeared, replacing all occurrences of B, E and A with accidentals throughout.
2. The treble clef, which starts out as an Octave Treble Clef, is replaced by an ordinary treble clef.
3. All notes in the treble clef are transposed down an octave (which you might expect as a result of the Clef being amended)

The resultant file (after the Ctrl/Delete) is attached as "Song after Delete"

Now it's no big deal to correct this, replace the incorrect treble clef with an Octave Clef and re-add the Key Signature, but is this the expected action for Ctrl/Delete? It's never happened before.

A bug perhaps?

Can't work out what the trigger might be.

I'm using MuseScore 2.0.2 vf51dc11 under Win 7 Pro

Attachment Size
Song Start.mscz 27.44 KB
Song after delete.mscz 28.96 KB


I can not tell how or why, but you can try this: Select the first measure;
Add / Bars / Insert One bars.
Then Ctrl + Del to subsequent ones.
Does it work?

The clef and the key signature are in the first measure, so if you delete the first measure, indeed, you are deleting the clef and key signature. MuseScore replaces the deleted clef with whatever the default is for the instrument, and it replaces the deleted key signature with C major.

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