Microtonal and big project treatment

• Aug 23, 2015 - 14:05

(sorry for any possible mistakes in English, I am not a native speaker)

I've being using different music notation software and I am impressed with the progress Musescore made.
As a composer, I would propose some features that can be quite practical for modern composers who write for large ensembles and are interested with world music and spectral compositions.
The key word here is microtonal notation, i.e. "half" sharps and flats not only visually, but also in MIDI sound rendering.
Some other software asks for constant tweaking in the MIDI parameters of each note which makes the process complicated and not composing friendly.
Is it possible to define personalized microtonal alterations and then use them as simply as classical sharps or flats ?
Is it possible to define and export these symbols in XML and MIDI formats ?

The second issue concerns large scale works.
Like in programming , It is more efficient to work on small blocks or files that can be compiled and grouped in la larger .mscz file.

But since I am re-descovering Musescore maybe some of these features has been already thought of and worked out. If not, I hope that my propositions will contribute to a better development of this prominent software.

Thank you.


I am not sure the current status of microtonal accidental playback. I know there was preliminary work to support it, but am not sure how far it got. It is definitely something being considered for further development.

MuseScore does have a feature to combine smaller works into a larger one - see the Handbook under Album.

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