Figured Bass

• Oct 10, 2010 - 20:12

I think it would be great for Musescore to support Figured Bass (even the accidentals)


obviously. It's a must for any "serious" music editor. It's also a huge job, especially if you try to cope with all the variants.
I made once a "fake" one for the commercial software "Pizzicato" , only using attaching numbers to a note.....

In fact one can do that with musescore "as it is", by using the staff text menu to type the requested number figures.

As noted in the other post linked before (// ), additional glyphs are the 'easy part', the elements which cannot be achieved with the existing code (mainly Ctrl-K) are:

* proper prolongation lines
* correct vertical alignment of compound figures
* several chords for the same bass line.

In the above mentioned post, I have outlined the features I think necessary for a proper implementation of the figured bass. I really hope it will get implemented sooner or later.



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