by time signature 2+3 / 2 score crashed
Vista, R1437
create score
create time signature 2+3 / 2
enter 1/8 notes
then crash
sometimes when no crashed then beams own life leads and beams wrong places.
despite very good program... ;-)
Attachment | Size |
test_ps_29.mscz | 2.46 KB |
In the current versions of MuseScore there are no automatic beaming rules for additive time signatures so it ends up beaming across the entire measure (as will happen with most other custom times signatures).
How is a measure of eighth notes normally beamed in (2+3)/2 time? Is it a group of eight eighth notes followed by a group of 12 eighth notes? Or do they break on every beat?
I didn't get a crash using 1422. I'll try again after I download the latest prerelease.
In reply to In the current versions of by David Bolton
Hi David,
The aim is to create a score with multiple time signatures.
see: time1.png and time2.png (created with other program)
Musescore does create with 1422 time 3.png
with 1437 then crashed program
Many thanks for all your support.
In reply to Hi David, The aim is to by Jaap Plaisier
I managed to get MuseScore to crash a couple times during mouse input if I'm not careful about getting the note in exactly the right place (mouse input in 0.9.4 is a little buggy in this regard).
I was able to match the time signatures and notes shown in "time 3.png" using r1437. I can send you the file if you need it.
In reply to I managed to get MuseScore to by David Bolton
Sure. Then I can continue my mission of my teacher. ;-)
Many thanks again!
In reply to I managed to get MuseScore to by David Bolton
r. 1437 has a crash related to changing the pitch of existing notes (see the prerelease-README.txt for details). I recommend you use r.1422 for regular use until the next prerelease comes out. Anyway, here's the file.
In reply to In the current versions of by David Bolton
Hi David,
By notate (2+3) / 2 time is te first (2) allways actueel. The secund (3) is shown.
See attachment: maatvoorbeeld.png
Many thanks for all your support.
In reply to By notate (2+3) / 2 te first is actueel by Jaap Plaisier
Obviously there are some bugs here, but please include the actual file so I can give the correct instructions for a work-around.
When I inserted measures before the 2/2 measure in the test file above it gave me measures of incorrect duration. Dragging the (3+2)/2 time signature to these measures corrected them. Maybe this is the same thing you encountered. Maybe not.
In reply to Obviously there are some bugs by David Bolton
Thank you! I can solve it visually sometimes invisible notes or rest.
Other problem. see attachments
The score: ps49.mscz
The faults: Psalm_049_canon_musescore-1.png see 1,2, and 3
1. rest is wrong
2. input notes problem
3 time notes problem
ps49 example is: Psalm_049_canon.png
I hope that it is understandable...
( vista r1439 )
Maybe for future a wish: 232.png
Again many thanks
In reply to Thank you! I can solve it by Jaap Plaisier
The (2+3)/2 time signature creates measures with a duration of five (2+3) half notes. In the context you are using, it looks like (2+3)/2 time signature means the measures should be either 2 half notes long or three half notes long. This is possible to do in MuseScore. Read the properties section of Measure operations . You'll need to change the "actual" measure duration for each measure. In the file attached I corrected the measure durations.
You may notice I fixed the curly brace so that it only spans the first two staves instead of all three. I also extended the barlines to that they span the first two staves. You might consider creating a personal template for organ where this is all set up for you (see the template section of create new score for instructions).
In reply to The (2+3)/2 time signature by David Bolton
Hi David, Stupid of me, I was forget the possibility of Measure oprerations. The program is still better then I thought... ;-)
my problem is resolved. Many thanks (again) for your perfect support!
Best regards, Jaap