Add the staccato to notes

• Aug 31, 2015 - 16:42

Sometimes(in my case very often) we have to import MIDI files into MuseScore and create a human-readable music sheet. Unfortunately, a sheet created in this way is a long far from being a human readable sheet. Irregular groups, slurs, ties etc. need to be edited singularly, spending too much time. The "staccato" articulation is one of these. This is how MuseScore imported one of my file:


There are 13 starves, about 180 measures and about all measures include too many notes followed by a rest of the same duration. I wouldn't spend a month doing this manually, so I created this program.

I struggled between the creation of plugins both 1.0 and 2.0. In the 1.0 system it was impossible, in 2.0 was possible but too complex and slow. So I created a java program that edits a MusicXML.

Simple: you export the sheet in MusicXML, then run a java command, then you import the edited file in MuseScore.


The only problem is that although MuseScore shows the staccato articulation (this is the most important thing), it seems to don't recognize it when it plays the score...but fortunately it is a minor issue.

To run the program you must have java installed in your system, and the environment variable setted.

java -jar filename.xml

the options are:

-r followed by a number, specifies the number of the part to be edited
-i followed by two number: the starting measure and the ending measure to be edited


java -jar -r 4 -i 15 74 filename.xml

it edits the 4th part of the measures between 15 and 74 (included) of the filename.xml

I tried this with some sample score and the score I was going to edit, I corrected all the bugs I found, if you are going to use it and you find a bug please let me know.

You can download this from my blog:…

Alberto Zichittella

P.S. I saw that here there is Marc Sabatella: I love your "Reunion"! xD


Thanks for producing this tool - and for the compliment :-)

But FWIW, MuseScore *does* recognize staccato on MIDi import, at least in some cases. See the "Simplify durations" and "Show staccato" options in the import panel. They should default to "on", which will result in staccato being recognized. If you have a specific MIDI file where this is not working as expected, please post it so we can take a look to understand why it is not.

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