how to cancel old key signature?

• Oct 15, 2010 - 07:55

Is there a way to cancel a key signature, showing naturals?

i.e. a key change moving from 4 sharps to no sharps, I'd like the first measure of that section to display 4 natural signs.

When I drag the new key signature to the measure, nothing is displayed (but the note-entry works in the new key)

Im using version for Mac.

(The piece was first started in version 0.9.5)



Never mind...I fixed it.


(I had spliced the piece from a section with a double bar line in front of it. When I changed the bar line back to a single bar, the naturals appeared.)

Is there a way to delete Forum posts?



In reply to by David Bolton

hi David

I'm not sure i can remember everything, but i'll try:

originally started working on the score using version 0.9.5 something; added a thin double bar in the middle of a piece before a key change for emphasis. When i inserted the key change (going from one sharp to no sharps) no natural signs appeared at that to cancel the old key signature.

i upgraded to vers, tried adding the key change again, still no natural sign. However, I noticed that when i respaced the music so that the double bar appeared at the end of a line, that courtesy key signatures WERE there. (but still not at the beginning of the next line, where they should also have been). I changed the double bar back to a single bar, and the naturals appeared where they were supposed to go. Re-added the double bar, and things still look OK.

i hope this helps; im sorry i cant document it any more fully.


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