Repeats/Volta Notation Questions

• Sep 4, 2015 - 17:24

First of all I apologize for not being able to figure this out myself but BELIEVE me, I tried.

That being said, I am a relative newbie transcribing a song with three different sets of lyrics at the ending and I can’t figure out the correct notation so Muse Score plays it properly as well as my fellow musicians.

I have attached both a PDF and an mscz file of those final measures. The ending repeats would be measures 2-4.

What I am trying to convey is that the 1st & 2nd set of lyrics are played (sung) twice (measures 2-3) the same way and on the third and final repeat, measures 2 & 4 are played with the last G in measure 2 tied to the G in measure 4.

I have tried Voltas, repeat bar lines, changing the Volta properties and nothing I have tried has played properly in Muse Score which leads me to believe I am scoring it wrong.

Any help and guidance would be GREATLY appreciated!

My sincere thanks in advance!!

Attachment Size
Repeat.pdf 13.51 KB
Repeat.mscz 6.26 KB


If I understand correctly, the normal way to notation that would be with a volta over the measure containing the 1st & 2nd lyrics and a repeat barline at the end of that measure, and a separate volta over the last measure. Then set the repeat count on the measure containg the 1st & 2nd volta to 3 using Measure Properties, and set the first volta to play on repeats 1 & 2 using Volta Properties. See attached. Something like that?

It is incorrect notation to show a tie through the first voltsa, so I delete that. I understand you want the note tied that last time, but you can't do that if you don't want it tied for the first volta. You could simply make the volta extend over both those last two measures instead of just the whole note if you want to make that clearer.

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