Old Cakewalk Home Studio files. How to rescue it?

• Sep 23, 2015 - 18:46

Hi, gang!!!

I was one of the users of that old well-known commercial software called: Cakewalk Home Studio.

Even the fact that software has new (update) versions, I don't have the money and, If I had it, I don't think I'd buy it for a lot of reasons (compatibility, mainly).

Well, the fact is that I still have a lot of files from that software, but it isn't the standard MIDI (*.mid) format. The software used its own *.wrk format file.

I don't have any clue about that format, but it should have some things related to the graphical visualization of the data (I guess) plus the MIDI data itself.

Does somebody know how to rescue useful information from that files? ???

It is intended to be use with MuseScore (as MIDI information).

Of course, that software has the option to save files with the standard MIDI format. The problem is that I can not to use that software today, because, the version I have, it isn't compatible with today Windows version and, also, it doesn't run with Wine into Lubuntu (Wine issue). SO... I still have a lot of pieces saved only with the *.wrk format.

Please, any idea, let me know it.

Greetings & Blessings!!!!!!!



it seems that Cakewalk SONAR X3 can open wrk files and export MIDI. Maybe someone around here has this software. If not, you could try to ask people on Cakewalk forum to covert your files to MIDI, even maybe MusicXML since X3 supports it.

In reply to by jotape1960

Jotape - bung them my way.....

I have the latest version of Sonar Professional Studio which will read .wrk files and save them as .mid.

All we need to do is set up a shared Google Drive folder and we're good to go :)

As I think I have said before - I've been a Cakewalk user since the days of Windows 3.1 :)

Cakewalk Home Studio is a fond memory now - but I wrote many many backing track using Cakewalk 8 Professional before the advent of Windows XP forced us all to start using Sonar :)

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

I started to use Cakewalk with Windows 95.

I will organize the files (to be honest, I'm not sure which are really useful, today).

When I have a set of useful files, We'll talk about the Google option.

Thanks a lot for your help!!!

Greetings & Blessings!!!!!!!

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