Solstice - Enjoy!

• Nov 21, 2010 - 10:27

This is a short little song I started some time ago... but only got around to finishing recently. Please feel free to listen and comment. Suggestions for improvement are welcome!

Attachment Size
Composition 102-02.mscz 4.01 KB


After the A major chord in measure 21, see if you like going to D major chord in measure 22 (and adapting the melody and harmony accordingly).

In reply to by David Bolton

I have made some edits to the original song and have attached the edited version. I made the change to D major later in the song so that the tune around measure 21 wouldn't be too brief, but it does sound much better in D. The transitions are still not to my liking, but I'll work that out sometime in the future. Thanks again!

Attachment Size
Composition 102-05.mscz 4.7 KB

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