Overture for a Play

• Nov 26, 2010 - 16:37

My Friend's church is putting on the play "Santa Gives Back Christmas" and wanted me to compose the overture. So, here is the rough draft.
NOTE: It is not finished. This is just a rough copy.

Please leave feedback.
It is a medly of "Jingle Bells", "Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reigndeer", and "The Holly and the Ivy". Enjoy!

Attachment Size
Holiday Overture.mscz 10.89 KB


Review your instrument ranges (especially the woodwinds [bar 36-43]). Unless the orchestra is made up of keyboards its fine. The timpanist might have problems changing notes so quick unless you have a clarion made up of drums. Glissando's however are possible in the timpani but only short ranges.

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