Adding Key Signature without any changes to the notes

• Nov 28, 2010 - 13:24

I am trying to add a key signature (D-Major) to an existing score. My problem is that Musescore always starts adding "naturals" to my score. How can I tell the program to just add the key signature and not to touch the score at all ?


When you add a key signature it will not alter the notes at all. It you originally typed C's and F's they will remain C's and F's (naturals) regardless of what key signature to put in afterwards inserting natural signs to relative notes to compensate for the new key signature. If you were to raise all the C's and F's to C#'s and F#'s the naturals will fall away.

In reply to by Sphyther

My problem is that the score I am working on in MuseScore was originally converted from PDF to MusicXML with PDFtoMusic Pro. PDFToMusic Pro translated all the notes well, but missed the key signature so I have a C-major key now. My idea was to simply add the D-major key signature and get the score I want - without any rewritten notes.

In reply to by mark_orion

Most music scanning programs that I've used allow you to correct things like key signatures before you export to MusicXML. Does PDFtoMusic allow this? If so, it would be the best place to correct these types of things because it's editor would be customized for correcting mistakes that music scanners frequently make.

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