Multiple note patterns in a 4 time repeat

• Sep 26, 2015 - 17:20

I am entering a song that has a repeating section that repeats 4 times and each pass through there are small sections where the note patterns change to accommodate lyrics. An example would be 4 quarter notes on the first 2 repeats but in the 3rd it changes to 2 eighths, 2 quarters and 2 eighths.

Currently I am using voices to do this so that I can match the lyrics but that means I have to re-enter the entire repeated section for each voice so that the alignment of the lyrics and the notes works. This seems like a huge waste of time and leads to a larger file.

I am hoping there is a better way and since I am fairly new to this I thought I would ask.
I am attaching an image depicting the situation.(first measure)

Thanks for your help in this

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music.jpg 47.36 KB


Welcome on board.
Perhaps it would be better to attach the score (or an extract of it). I do not understand why change the head of the notes

In reply to by Shoichi

In the image provided in the first measure in the first and second time through it is sung with just the quarter notes:
WON____DER________TO____BE ----- (FIRST TIME)

The third time it changes to uses eighth notes as well

that is denoted by the different note head sizes in the original.
I could be doing this completely wrong but it is the only way I have found to do this so far.

If you want different note patterns with each repeat then the only way to do it is with Voices. But, there are a few tricks to cut down the labour involved.

1] Enter in Voice 1 the most complicated rhythms, i.e. any bits where there are eighths or whatever in whichever verse (even if not in the first verse), enter those eighths in Voice 1.

2] Where there are quarter (or other, longer) notes that coincide with eighth notes, enter them in Voice 2. You do not need to re-enter every note, however. Just enter rests where the notes are the same for all verses and whole notes where you want them to coincide with eighths.

3] Enter your lyrics. Start with verse 1 (naturally), making sure you select the first note as being in Voice 1. When you get to a point where verse 1 uses a quarter note but another verse has eighth notes, just enter the syllable follow by an extra press of the [Spacebar] to skip to the next note.

4] Now enter the lyrics for the other verses but always using Voice 1. Now when you get to a bit where, say, verse 3 needs eighth notes you see why we entered the more complex rhythms into Voice 1; it's because it works for all the verses that need eighths and we can just skip a note (extra [Spacebar]) when we need whole notes.

5] Make the extra rests invisible. Right-click ->Select ->More ->Same Voice and then press 'v'.

6] I agree that it looks good if you make some of the eighth noteheads small and you can either do this only to the visible noteheads (the ones not merged into whole notes) or you can make all the eighth noteheads small and off set the first of each group to avoid overlapping with the quarter notes (more common, perhaps when avoiding overlapping with a minim or a dotted quarter).

7] Finally, flip any wrongly-oriented stems to make it all appear neater (Voice 2 will have automatically been made stem-down and Voice 1 stem up).

When I do this sort of thing, I enter most lyrics in voice 1, only entering lyrics into other voices for the notes that are actualy in those voices. Mostly I just try to minimize the amount of times I do this. Not because it is work to enter, but because it makes for an unnecessarily cluttered chart. I would rather a chart that is easily readable than one that captures every last variation in how someone phrases a lyric.

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