Copyright won't print.

• Dec 6, 2010 - 11:02

Everytime I print a sheet the copyright info is on the bottom of the page on the screen but never on the hardcopy. How do I fix this?


What version of MuseScore are you using and on which platform? Read [[nodetitle:How to report bug or ask for support]] for what type of info developers need in order to fix a bug.

benm421, The default page size is A4 (which is a little taller than US Letter). Since you are in the United States you need to go to Layout > Page Settings and change the page size. To change the default page size for all new scores go to Edit > Preferences > Score tab.

In reply to by David Bolton

Wow that's amazing. Until I read that Wikipedia article, I thought all the world used standard 8 1/2' x 11' letter sized paper. Seems the US is lagging behind the rest of the world in adoption of A4!

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