Turns between Notes

• Oct 2, 2015 - 22:19


Is there a way to position ornaments (e.g. turns) between 2 notes, so that they stay there even the distance between the notes changes because of layout changes?

In the attached example I attached the turn to the first note and changed its position so that it's situated in the middle to the next note.

Then I copied that example and changed the width of the measure (which can easily happen, e.g. when creating parts)

Result: The turn has changed its position. It rests even at the next note (which is a quite different meaning in music)

Thank you for any advice!
(MuseScore 2.0.2, Windows 7 Pro)

Attachment Size
Turns_between_Notes.mscz 4.08 KB


MuseScore seems to want the turns to be attached to a note (Bach did not use MuseScore). A workaround is to use another Voice - place a dotted sixteenth rest in Voice 2 (the rest is half the duration of the first note) then place an eight note. Add the turn to the eighth note and then make the note and the rest invisible.

Attachment Size
Turns_between_Notes.mscz 4.76 KB

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