
• Oct 4, 2015 - 04:25

I`m hoping that someone adds a functional ritardando, that slows down depending on how many measures (there is a line users can drag to include different amounts of measures) that will slow the piece down to the specified tempo on the next bar from the ritardando.


From the handbook:
"Gradual tempo changes like ritardando ("rit.") and accelerando ("accel.") can be added to the score as system text, but currently don't have any effect on playback."

However, to get a ritardando effect on playback, you can assign decreasing tempos to the relevant notes/measures, and then hide the tempo markings.


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Even the fact that all we know that MuseScore has, as main target, the visual final performance of a music score, I insist it would be so nice (and useful) to add a dockable Tempo Window with a graphical real tempo control.

Just a dream from a dreamer.

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