Add quarter note at end of measure

• Oct 4, 2015 - 22:28

How can I add a quarter note at the end of a measure if there is already a previous longer note?

It seems to want to add the note at the same time where the previous long note started, or in the next measure.

I have attached an example screenshot.

Attachment Size
addQuarter.png 3.98 KB


It always helps to attach the actual score, not just a picture of it. From the picture, I can *guess* that your score might be corrupt, but there are also other things that could explain what the pictures appears to show. For instance, what *appears* to be a half note in voice 2 on beat 3 might really be on beat 2 but manually moved to create the illusion it is on beat 3. or it might be a quarter note in which the note head was explicitly changed to appear like a half note.

In reply to by deklin

AH, I was definitely misled by your original picture. I thought it was showing a quarter note on beat 3, but I think now it was actually showing a half note but you had the cursor sitting directly over the note making it *look* like a quarter note.

Anyhow, the score you have attached definitely shows a half note on beat 3 in each voice. So the measure already has four beats in both voices, making it musically impossible to add another quarter note. If uyou wish to shorten one of the half notes to make room for a quarter note on beat 4, simply click the half note and then click the quarter note icon (or press the keyboard shortcut 5) while *not* in note input mode. This will shorten the half note on beat 3 to a quarter note, leaving you with a quarter rest on beat 4 you can then replace with a note if you like.

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