corrupted file

• Oct 10, 2015 - 01:18

Can't seem to fix these couple of measures that are keeping it from downloading.

Attachment Size
My Lament.mscz 10.44 KB


If you look at either of the measure / staves it says are corruopt, you will see the notes there are in voice 4, and voice 1 is empty. So simply select the measure, then Edit / Voices / Exchange Voice 1-4.

Also... to prevent even greater corruption:
The 4/4 time signature needs to be returned - from 3/4 in the previous measure - back into measure 12.

Some quarter note rests are way out of position - like in measure 19, staff 6; in measure 27, staff 2; and other places. Click on them and the status bar will say where they belong. Ctrl+R will reset them.

In the final measures, notes should be entered as voice 1 to get rid of those extraneous whole rests.

I'm curious... Was this score imported from elsewhere into MuseScore?


In reply to by cjbrandt

But to be clear: measures like that (with the wrong number of beats in vocie 1) are never *supposed* to be possible. MuseScore 1.3 had numerous bugs that could cause it nonetheless, and unfrotunately it would not detect the problem, leading to all sorts of other bad behaviors (crashes, uneditable measures, etc) down the road. MuseScore 2 fixes all the bugs we could find that could cause corruption, although no doubt some bugs still remain and we fix those as they are reported. But there is also now a check for corruption to help you (and us) identify the problems right away.

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