Time Sig Change Leads to Misplaced Bar Lines

• Dec 17, 2010 - 20:26

When I was writing a solo for drums, I had a piece where I changed the time sig from 7/8 to 7/16 (nominally, while keeping actual notes the same and writing 8th=16th) and when I did that, the bar lines all jumped forward half a measure, and now they're sitting in the middle of the measure and not where they belong. How do I fix this?

Attachment Size
scYn2868.mscz.pdf 52.25 KB


I'm not able to reproduce. I downloaded your "Untitled.mscz," file, renamed the file so it didn't have a comma at the end, opened it in MuseScore, created a 7/16 time signature, dragged the 7/16 time signature to measure 17. Attached is the result that I got.

(Tested using MuseScore, Windows 7)

Attachment Size
Untitled.pdf 46.61 KB

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