Well, I not know if I post this in right category, but I suggest there be competitions in music writing.

• Oct 11, 2015 - 00:48

I thought of an idea that we hold competitions in musescore for fun. Like one writes, the other writes, etc. And then users vote. No rewards really needed.


How about this for a competition:

Use MuseScore to arrange Twelve Days of Christmas in the most efficient way possible (i.e. taking up the least space and with as few identical measures as possible). Use repeats, codas etc. to get the verses to play in the right order.

1. Playback must be correct - all verses played and in the right order.
2. "Superficial adjustments" (e.g. to note size/spacing and page layout) are allowed to make the score look pretty do not count towards saving space.
3. The lyrics must be written out directly below the notes, not in a separate box underneath.
4. The score should be "sensible". You can't use a huge time signature, or semihemidemisemiquavers (128th notes) and then claim that you managed to get everything to fit in one bar.

The "best" entries will be decided by voting. There may be different categories which relax some of the rules above, e.g. "fewest bars", "fewest identical bars", "fewest pages", "best arrangement to listen to", "most readable", etc. You can specify any categories you want to be considered for with your entry.

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