chord name disappears when editing the fong

• Dec 18, 2010 - 14:24

Your programme is great, but I am struggling with some strange behaviour:

I have entered a chord, klicking on the note and CRTL-K.
If I edit the text properties of this chord by right-klicking, the chord disappears after saving the changes (e.g. bold face).

It only works, if I do the following: Create it (see above) and then double-click again on the chord, exit the edit mode and then edit the text properties by right-clicking.

After saving the file and opening it again, all changes are lost.


I have the very same problem with MuseScore 1.1 on Kubuntu 64. I created chord symbols with Ctrl-K and want to customize them by adding a circle around them and changing their relative position, however, after saving those changes and restarting MS my customizations are gone. This is extremely annoying as my chord symbols are sticking inside another staff with the default spacing options. Additionally, sometimes the symbols are disappearing partially (only an empty circle remains) or completly when editing the text properties as described by the author of the original bug report. Is there any chance that these issues get fixed?

In reply to by fortefortissimo

If you wish to edit the appearance of chords, you need to edit the Text Style for chord names (Style->Edit Text Style). The changes won't show up immediately, but will upon reload. Normally, you'd get the style looking how like, save it as a template, then just keep using that template.

However, chords should not normally be overlapping other staves. Which template are you using? Which chor style? Could you post a sample?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Okay, I have extracted a sample out of my current project. The chord symbols are added to the inner percussion staff which I use for a special accordion bass notation, have a look at this thread. While deleting most of the messures I have experienced another (optical) glitch, have a look at the corresponding screenshot.

MS offers me 3 different ways to edit the style of all chord symbols: 1) Click one chord symbol, click Select -> All Similar Elements and finally choose Text Properties, 2) Click one chord symbol, select Text Properties and tick "apply to all elements of same type" and 3) do what you suggested: Style->Edit Text Style. Neither method works as expected for me.

I have experimented with your suggested way to adjust the appearance of my chord symbols, but it seems to suffer similar problems like the other ways. The settings are not remembered correctly and I did not manage to get a circle around my chords.

If I understood correctly what you said, the changes made in Style->Edit Text Style are saved in a style template. When I restart MuseScore, are those changes remembered if I did not manually save them? What if I want to apply special formatting to one certain score, do I have to create an independed style template for each individual score?

Thanks for your response!

In reply to by fortefortissimo

"If I understood correctly what you said, the changes made in Style->Edit Text Style are saved in a style template. When I restart MuseScore, are those changes remembered if I did not manually save them? What if I want to apply special formatting to one certain score, do I have to create an independed style template for each individual score?"

Once you have a style the way you want it, you can save it and reload it for new scores.

They are saved with each file.


In reply to by fortefortissimo

Of the three methods you mention, #1 and #2 are not supposed to work in 1.1 as far as I know. It doesn't work for chords, measure numbers, and maybe a few other elements that have to be generated by the program as opposed to entered directly as simple text. I believe only #3 is supposed to work: setting the text style, and then reloading the score. And in general, this *does* work, but I've never tried using the circles on chord symbols. It does seem quite likely that this wouldn't work, because again, chord symbols are *not* ordinary text and probably can't be processed in all the same ways. Basically, I would expect only the font size and x/y offsets to really do anything, given how chord symbols are generated.

Text style settings, BTW, are automatically saved with the file itself, although you do also have the option of saving the style separate as an MSS file if you wish. You can can then load that style file into a score instead of manually setting the text style. But what I would recommend is saving an empty song and putting that in the templates folder, then using that as your basis for new scores. That way the text style is set as you want right away. But again, it wouldn't surprise me if circles don't work well.

So basically, the bottom line seems to be that font settings work in text styles as I described, but not for circles.

I often use Leadsheets from Wikifonia but sometimes I want to enlarge the size of the chord's text (poor eyesight). I tried to point at the chord, then right click, then go to text properties to choose a larger size. When I click OK, the chord disappears! If I check apply to all similar elements then all the chords disappear! (Some of the lead sheets use 10 point text sizes but I need 12 point to see.) I found that if I first select the text, then unselect it, then I can change the text size using the above text properties method - but then all the changes are lost when I save the file and later reopen it! Help! How do I do this?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I feel pretty dumb. I read your description of how to solve my problem with text size, but I can't make it work. Granted, I haven't done a lot with creating new scripts so my experience with Musescore is small. I'm working with leadsheets that I imported from Wikifonia and I want to enlarge the text size of all the chords. If you could walk me through the steps to do this, I would be very grateful. I attached a file that I've been trying to enlarge the font size.

Attachment Size
Happy Trails.mscz 3.36 KB

In reply to by ladextr

Just as I said above, but in more detail:

1. Click Style in the menu at top, then select, Edit Text Style from the drop down menu, then select Chordname form the list at left.

2. Change the font to whatever you want.

3. Hit OK.

4. Reload the score 9close it, then open it again, use use File->Reload

You can also use Style / Edit General Style / Chordnames to change the way the chords are displayed (like, whether minor chords are abbreviated as "m", "mi", or "-"), buy choosing an appropriate style from the dropdown menu in that dialog. The different styles are documented in the Handbook section on chord names.

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