Scores not downloading

• Oct 15, 2015 - 18:10

I have been happily using musescore for months, but all of a sudden I get
only the title when I download a score. I downloaded the newest version of Musescore, tried
different browsers and devices, but nothing is working. This is the score I was trying to download:
Other scores don't work either.
I hope you can help.
Thanks. Kathleen

Attachment Size
Capture.PNG 38.29 KB


Interesting, that score doesn't work for me either, I only see the title. Also, the MXL file is invalid. I had to extract the XML and change the two occurrences of "Danny Blues " (note the extra character at the end) within the XML, removing the extra ending character.

Note, I'm using the later/est nightly build.

There's a ^@ (a nul character!) in the title and a few other places, this seems to cause the rest to not get loaded properly.
Once those are fixed (extracting the mscx from the mscz and using a plain text Editor) and attempt to load the file reports several corruptions.
Measure 21 Staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 5/8
Measure 24 Staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 5/8
Measure 32 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 14/16
Measure 46 Staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 8/8
Measure 46 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 8/8
Measure 78 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 6/8; Found: 8/8

Ignoring those seems to work, now over to fix those ...
The score seems to have been created with MuseScore 1.1, so quite a while ago, and these corruptions would have gone unnoticed until 2.0 added those checks

Attachment Size
temp.mscx 175.34 KB

"Other scores don't work either."

Can you also provide a reference to the others that don't work? Possibly some bugs need to be fixed to handle them.

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