The text "Instrument" appears repeatedly above staves when importing XML

• Oct 19, 2015 - 22:18

In MuseScore 2.02 rev. f51dc11 for Mac, the word "Instrument" appears above the piano staff hundreds of times whenever I import an XML created by SmartScore X2 Pro. I have attached an example XML so you can see what I'm talking about.

But if I first open the XML in Finale 2014, and then have Finale export it out as XML, MuseScore no longer show spurious word "Instrument." During this process, Finale does not show the word "Instrument."

Does anyone know why this might be happening, and what can be done to prevent it (other than run every file through Finale?)

Attachment Size
12 For Unto Us A Child Is Born B.xml 1.43 MB


Your MusicXML file has tons of instrument changes for some reason - lots of "instrument" tags all over the place, apparently with the intent of changing the MIDI channel. No idea why that info is there in the file, but the file is full of these, and MuseScore is trying to honor them.

To delete them all, just right click one, Select / All Similar Elements, and press Delete.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks, Marc.
I didn't think to use "Select All Similar Elements", which is a neat MuseScore feature.
So when an Instrument changes MuseScore prints out the new instrument name on the score?

It is interesting that Finale strips those tags out when exporting XML.
Is there a way using MuseScore to look "behind the scenes" for these tags?

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