Entering fret number using number keys isn't working...

• Oct 27, 2015 - 00:32

Entering the fret numbers (Tab) with number keys doesn't work for me. When I press a number key, it changes the note value (duration) instead.

I want to enter on the tab stave and have it show notes on the standard notation stave. Got the two staves linked treble clef and tab but when entering the fret numbers as directed in the manual with number keys , it changes the note value (duration) instead of adding the fret number. I can manually enter a note at fret zero and use the up/down keys with proper results but that is real slow going doing it that way.


A couple of things I can think of:

Depending on your particular keyboard layout and OS, you probably will need to use the standard numeric keys, not the numeric keypad, unless you have customized your keyboard shortcuts.

You have to be in note input mode in order to enter frets. If you press a number key while *not* in note input mode, this does indeed change the duration.

If that does not solve your problem, please attach the score you are having problems with and precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem.

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