Group Names

• Nov 14, 2015 - 23:41

In order to allow Musescore users to easily notate for large instrumentations (double orchestra, opera with multiple choruses, etc; it would be nice to have a function that would allow for the creation of "group names". By control clicking on brackets, you should be able to add group name text. It should appear to the left of the instrument names, in font size two sizes larger than the instrument font and in bold.

Let me know if you have questions. It would be great to see this implemented, as I am working on an opera with four choruses, and an Wagnerian sized pit orchestra at the moment.


In reply to by Shoichi

The issue with the first solution is how it seems to work best if the groups are of the same instrument. Bust alas, I am trying to create groups with different instruments, and do not want them grouped together in the parts. For example, I would like to group the instruments as Chorus 1, but they are four different kinds. Screen Shot 2015-11-15 at 2.49.49 PM.png

With as many orchestral users on MuseScore as there seem to be, I'm surprised this feature still hasn't gone anywhere in seven years. :(

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