• Nov 19, 2015 - 06:19

Christmas.mscz Was working on it, changed a part name, and suddenly the file went from 19kb to 0kb. And now it's unopenable. What happened?!

Attachment Size
Christmas.mscz 0 bytes


In reply to by Thomas

This help page describes how to find the most recent backup file on your computer:

These backup files are only generated when more than 2 minutes has passed without you having saved the file. If you save the file yourself more frequently than every 2 minutes, you will not have a backup file. That is what happened to me and I lost half a day's work on a song.

One common factor seems to be the use of Continuous view mode when saving or doing certain other operations. See these posts if you want to learn more about this:
§ (referred to above)
§ (same issue, previously posted)


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