Help with a soundfont issue?

• Nov 30, 2015 - 20:36

I would appreciate any help towards a work-around for the following soundfont problem. It is particularly noticeable in measures 252-259 of the attached. I've noticed it in other scores, and worked around it, but am not having much luck here.
The problem:
There is a reverberation/throbbing sound that occurs during rapidly repeated notes. It becomes more noticeable when the repeated notes drop off in volume. If you Show Invisible in the attached, at measures 253-259 most of the decrescendos are disabled (by setting the mp at the end to the same velocity as the sF or F at the beginning) which somewhat minimizes the reverb (but doesn't eliminate it). If you lower the velocity on the mp's (to enable the decrescendos) the reverb becomes worse, however this is against the composer's intent.
I have used the following work-arounds in other scores, but they're just not doing the job in this instance:
>Make the notes staccato. (Invisible, to be true to the original score.)
>Un-select "Play" in the Inspector for the rapid notes, and add an invisible sustained note. (Used in the bass strings in the attached at 252-259.)(You really can't tell that the basses aren't playing the fast notes, as long as enough other instruments are.)
>If staccato helps but isn't enough, shorten the note even more by using the Pianoroll Editor.
>As mentioned above, keep the notes at the same velocity, don't allow decrescendos.
>Combination of the above.
>Using different soundfonts has not helped.
>Making adjustments in the Synthesizer (Master Effects) has not helped.

>Windows 10 PC running musescore 2.02. I use Timbres of Heaven primarily, but trying FluidR3 mono didn't help, so I suspect it's a limitation of the technology.

Thanks in advance for the help, and for the incredible support that this community provides.

Attachment Size
Largo al factotum.mscz 109.64 KB


I've just done a few experiments.

Try switching off the Zita Reverb completely.

IMO within the limitations of the technology that made a vast improvement.

The strings were sounding a lot better.

The problem is that currently the Zita reverb sits across the Master output buss, and everything goes through it. Consequently the control you have over it affects everything, whereas in real life different parts of the orchestra will reverberate differently depending on their position from the listener - so woodwind and brass will have less of a dry signal than the strings which are at the front of the orchestra.

I do know that Werner is working on being able to use effects as channel inserts, but I don't know how far he has got with it.

My advice is to install JACK and Carla, then use JACK to route MuseScore's MIDI stream to VST instruments and effects running in Carla.

That way you will have much greater control over how much reverb or other effects are mixed with the dry instruments/sections.


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