playback of grace notes

• Dec 5, 2015 - 13:16

I started looking at the grace-notes-after which don't seem to have any play-back implemented.
I'm afraid of opening can of worms, but I'd like to know what people expect for I make a big mess.
I've appended to an issue
I invite people to take a look at it.

One thing I'm not sure of is what are the expected semantics in the code of
Is this expected to include or exclude the time duration of the before and after grace notes?
My understanding is that chord->tick() is the starting tick even in the presence of leading
grace notes. It seems to me that actualTicks() needs to already have the grace-note time
subtracted from it.

Any opinion on this or other issues concerning grace note playback.


The expected semantics of DurationElement::actualTicks() is to include all playback sub-events of the element, graces either before or after, ornaments, glissandi, arpeggios, breaths and so on.

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