edit tips

• Dec 8, 2015 - 20:36

Gentlemen: I have the last version of musescore and I have not been able to
find two small editing resources:

how to hidden the signs i.e silences, pedals, etc?
how to create small notes?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Ildefonso de los Reyes


Things like this are found in the Inspector - the window that appears on the right of your screen by default. If you closed it, you can reopen it via the View menu (or press F8).

You can also mark things invisible using the shortcut "V".

For making small notes, note there are two "Small" properties you can set; you would normally use the one in the "Chord" section so as to affect the stem, accidentals, etc. Otherwise it only affects ine specific notehead.

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