creating extra space between two staves within a system, score-wide

• Feb 1, 2011 - 16:53

I know how to set the global inter-staff distance, but if I want to separate, for example, the various wind staves from the string staves, I couldn't find a way to do this. Searching the forum, I saw a workaround suggested to create a blank lyric line as a way of creating space, and that's a nice idea, but kind of limited. It only works on the current system, and you can't enter lyrics for empty staves without requiring a further workaround of creating hidden notes. I also saw a suggestion to use vertical spacers, but as far as I can tell, those only work between systems, not within them.

I'd like to request a way to add additional space for a given staff - perhaps an "additional space before/after" parameter in the Staff Properties? A click-and-drag interface would be nice, too.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I was thinking the "vertical frames" were the spacers referred to in a previous post, and those only work between systems. Thanks to you, I have now found the staff spacer. This could indeed come in handy on occasion, but they are only for the current system, so still not the same thing. Not a huge priority; I think of this as but one of the many aspects to the whole issue of working with larger scores, also including things like linked parts, part formatting settings, the ability to change keys for all instruments at once, and other things that I know have been brought up and are being looked at.

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