V1.0 Pre-rel

• Feb 3, 2011 - 16:19

I've downloaded and installed V1.0. It has created a new entry in my Start menu (Windows XP Home SP3) and left the entry for I did a quick test in 1.0 - just opening a few scores and doing random changes before saving them again.

Now, when I select V0.9.6.3 fro the start menu V1.0 opens. In fact V1.0 seems to be the only version residing in the Musesecore folder in "Program Files".

I don't mind this at all, as long as there are no bugs in V1.0 that will render any work I do unusable in, should I need to rveret to it. However, I'm not sure if it is the intention of developers that installing a test version of Musescore should effectively overwrite the live version. Hence this bug report.


Testing a prerelease comes with some precautions, such as the fact that it does indeed upgrade your current installation. This is the way we handle it for now.

For the next big release, it will be different. MuseScore will install itself in another folder, next to the production one. So it's easier to test new things out, while keeping the 1.x version intact.

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