crash on entering Note Entry for drum part

• Feb 12, 2011 - 22:10

A search shows a number of drum-part related crashes, but I don't see anything open that would cover this.

I wanted to have "slash notation" in a drum part (four stemless slashes). Changing noteheads to slashes does not appear to work if you have designated a staff as a drum part. The only way I could figure out to get slashes on the drum staff was to first create some stemless slash headed notes on another staff and then copy/paste that measure to the drum part. Attempting to go into Note Entry mode on that measure crashes on 1.0 (Windows Vista). Here's a sample file; just select the first measure and hit N.

Workarounds would be greatly appreciated. My goal is to have four slashes in one voice but also have other notes displaying in another voice. This is a style of drum notation I use a lot: slashes to say "keep time", notes in another voice (usually the space above the staff, stem up) to show the drummer important "hits" that occur in other parts.


FWIW, with a bit of poking around and experimentation, I have found a workaround to get the notation I want - slashes with ordinary notes above. In case someone else is curious:

The Edit Drumset dialog *could* have provided a way to get a slash-headed note in a drum part, but unfortunately the dropdown for note head type doesn't have an option for Slash. So I created a drum called "Slash" using an available pitch, set it to display in voice 1 on staff line 4 with stem and head set to auto, then I saved the drum set to a file. I loaded the saved drumset file into WordPad, found my "Slash" drum, and changed the "head" parameter to "5", which turns out to be the magic number to get the slash head. After loading the edited drum set file back into my document, I can now create slashes at will; I just have to make them stemless after the fact. I also move them to voice 2 when I want to display other notes above them.

At some point, I'm hoping to see a more generally functional implementation of slash notation, but this works for now.

Of course, the original bug still could use fixing, but it's probably not one many people will run into.

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