Musescore 4K Scaling Issues

• Jan 2, 2016 - 00:24

I have a 4K laptop and have noticed issues with the scaling of the toolbars, menus, and pallet. Is there any fix for this. I've confirmed that this is an app specific issue

Attachment Size
Musescore Screenshot.png 325.29 KB


In general, text-based elements in the GUI respond to your system's font settings, but graphic elements do not. You can experiment with the "-x (scale)" option to scale the latter. Eg, "-x 2.0" will double the size of elements that don't respond to the system font size.

In reply to by ndanielsporter

It's a command-line option. You adjust it when first starting MuseScore, by starting MuseScore froma command line (aka terminal window) with the option as I described above.

I can't really tell anything from your screenshot though because there isn't enough context for me to understand the real sizes of things - it looks different on my monitor than on yours. In general, menu text sizes sghould be taken directly from your OS settings for system / application text, and the scaling option won't affect that - only icons and other graphic elements (including the score itself). The menus and dialog box text should already be whatever size you have told your oeprating system you want application text to be.

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