distribution of notes and lyrics

• Jan 7, 2016 - 09:07


Currently the width of a note is calculated as "max (width of lyrics, width of note)". So the distribution of notes gets quickly distorted with long texts as in the first example.

Wouldn't it be better to distribute the lyrics beneath multiple notes as in the second example:

I did this 2nd example by adding a simple text manually, but I think musescore could do this automatically somehow, couldn't it?




Ideally, yes, and I did try to implemented. But it turns out to be rather harder to do than I had hoped. Or at least, it was hard to not cause worse problems if the syllable was so long it bumped into the next one. See #5261: Lyrics for melismas should not respace notes if there is room before next syllable and #33246: Hyphenated melisma requires too much space, and in particular, https://musescore.org/en/node/33246#comment-141221.

I could still imagine adding a checkbox to the Inspector, or some special shortcut, to turn off the automatic spacing for a lyric. That way the user would be responsible for making sure he only did it in places where it dodn't cause problems.

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