Duration Changes (Double/Half) to multiple measures

• Jan 9, 2016 - 20:11


I love the new Musescore, absolutely has changed my life both as a teacher and bandleader.

There is one feature that I think would be very useful:
The ability to double or halve the duration of notes across multiple measures.

Lets say I am writing out a 4/4 song for a band. I could have the chords change each measure.
OR, I could write it so the chords change every half measure. There are pros and cons to both.
Additionally - Let's say I am composing and I chose to have the lyrics, notes, chords all lined up where the chords change each measure. At the end of many hours and days, I realize the piece is better suited and more legible/sensible to write out two chords per measure, with all the corresponding note changes.

OH THE HEADACHE! Spending another few days re-writing the ENTIRE PIECE just to halve the time or double the time!

I have an overbearing work load, and ensembles often need music written every week. I simply don't have the time to do a whole piece over, so I end up constantly giving up every second of my time to do this simple edit.

A feature which could simply half or double a set of selected measures would be PHENOMENAL.
EVEN if it would still need to touched up after the batch edit.

If this feature already exists, what is it called/how to find it...?

Let me know what you think

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