Problems with score endings on

• Jan 18, 2016 - 10:01

La Seductora y La Linda - Las dos amigas Vals de Tomàs LEON by Burr-31

This score works perfectly well on my PC both locally or after the score download.
But when it is played on there is a bad playing with voltas and ending.
The first piece is played with anormal voltas and the second score is never played (unreachable).

1) Did I make a mistake ?
2) Is it a known bug ?

Thank you.

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LA SEDUCTORA.mscz 51.19 KB


The score is played exactly the same for me in MuseScore 2.0.2 and on the website. Could you try again? and explain the differences more in details?

I don't see any volta? Just some unusual repeats and jumps. And it does seem to play correctly, locally and via that play button in your post, which should be using MuseScore .com

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