command line options

• Feb 9, 2009 - 05:20

Hi, great work on this program! Really fills a need in the music world.

I was wondering about options there are on the command line -- I haven't been able to find any documentation on this whatsoever. I'd like to use MuseScore to batch convert some midi files into pdf files, and I had some success typing this at the command line:

mscore myfile.mid -o myfile.pdf

However, it seems some heavy quantizing gets applied, so that the output pdf isn't accurate enough for anything but the most rhythmically "square" pieces (i.e. music by Handel translates fine, music by Chopin does not).

Is there a command line switch to turn off note quantizing?



MIDI is designed for saving sound information but is unreliable for sheet music--especially Chopin music which often has rubato, gracenotes, etc. If you look for the music in a file format designed for sheet music (such as MusicXML) you will have much better luck.

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